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Day 263. 20th September Commentary

Posted on 15th September, 2024

Day 263. 20th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of  Nehemiah Chapter 8-10.


CHAPTER 813-18


Heads of families, priests and Levites congregated to be lectured by Ezra on the Laws Of The LORD given through Moses often referred to as the LAWS OF MOSES.  They found laws they have neglected;


·       TEMPORARY SHELTERS: They found the laws commanding them to stay in tents while celebrating the Festival Of The Seventh Month (v.14). (see February 23 for details of the appointed Festivals).

Therefore, they took action, sought olive branches and built temporary tents. This commandment was last honoured during the time of Joshua who led the people after the taking to glory of Moses.


They celebrated, and during each of the 7 days of the festival EZRA taught the whole assembly from the book of the law of God.

“ …… and on the eighth day, in accordance with the regulation, there was an assembly.” v.18.




In sackcloth, fasting with dust on their heads the people repented confessing their sins. Separating themselves as a people. Their schedule was a fourth of the day - Reading from the book of God. And another fourth confessing and in worship. v.3.


On their feet the Levites led them in praise worship.

“‘Stand up and praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.’ “ Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” (extracts from v.5-6).


As they progressed they recounted the faithfulness of God since the time of Abram, to the defeat of the oppressor Pharaoh in Egypt.  The signs and wonders — the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground, the pillar of cloud and fire (v.12). To God showing up at Mount Sinai, the manna provided, the water from the rock and his sworn oath to give the Promised Land fulfilled.

Yet, together with their ancestors they have been stiffed-necked.

Forgetting rather than remembering the miracles and God’s presence —

“…. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.  Even when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and said this is your god, …, or when they committed awful blasphemies.” (v.17-18).


v.22-38 — Here they continue to recount God’s faithfulness and steadfast love, how they subdued their enemies through the hand of God; their disobedience (v.26-27) which you forgave as they cried, time and time again—

“But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God.” v.31.


In prayer they made a petition and an oath justifying God they said our leaders had safety, wealth, and affluence in their land which you gave them, yet they rebelled—dishonouring your commands. Now we are slaves in our own land!.

And they set to make binding agreement to obey divine commands in presence of their leaders, Levites and Priests.



And the leaders present include Nehemiah, the governor, priests and the Levites (see their full list  by name and how they organised themselves from v.1-29).

And the agreement was made.

Find details of the vows made in v.30-39; extracts;

·       Not to intermarry with unbelievers

·       Not to trade on Sabbath days (v.31a-d). To cancel debts in the 7th year as stipulated in the law of God (v.31e-f).

·       Give for the upkeep of the Church (v.32-33).

·       The Priests made their vows too. v.34.

·       v.35-39 — Vows to give to the House Of The LORD for upkeep — the first fruits, first borns, tithes, and contributions. ( Note that all ministers are well provided for in the oath - that is the essence of the giving - not for the ‘set man’ ).


Do you go for retreats❓ And what about the tradition of staying in tents❓ Nehemiah 8:16.ß



©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 262. 19th September Commentary

Posted on 15th September, 2024

Day 262. 19th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of  Nehemiah.


This provides the genealogical records of families that returned to Babylon.  This was found as Nehemiah had been prompted by the LORD to register the people.

·       It was noted that they had no priests who was ministering with the Urim and Thummin. Some enquiries with the divine were therefore not possible (v.64)

·       As a result of the above; details of a priest who had intermarried could not to enquired, it was concluded they are unclean, and could no longer officiate as priest (Read the decision v.64).

·       They were 42,360 in all, with 7,337 staff ( slaves ), 24 female and male musicians, thousands of donkeys and hundreds of livestock.

·       The generous giving of the people was also in the records (v.70-72).



AT THE WATER GATE — The people gathered and expressed desire for the law of God -and the book of the law of Moses written as the LORD commanded him was brought. And Ezra the teacher of the law read it to them — there they had a retreat. (Read v.2-3, 3).

Great respect was shown to the LORD — the people stood up when they saw Ezra open the book - whereas many 21st Century Believers use the Bible for a pillow. (Read v.5-6).

The people became emotional as the word was read, and interpreted and the leaders encouraged them

·       The joy of the LORD is your strength (v.10)

·       Eat and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks.

·       Give some to those who don’t have

·       Be still; this day is holy, do not grieve (v.11).

Then the people jubilated (v.12).



There is no generation so vulnerable as ours!

Like Nehemiah I say “The joy of the LORD is your strength” Neh 8:10.






CHAPTER 8:13-18


Heads of families, priests and Levites congregated to be lectured by Ezra on the Laws Of The LORD given through Moses often referred to as the LAWS OF MOSES.  They found laws they have neglected;


·       TEMPORARY SHELTERS: They found the laws commanding them to stay in tents while celebrating the Festival Of The Seventh Month (v.14). (see February 23 for details of the appointed Festivals).

Therefore, they took action, sought olive branches and built temporary tents. This commandment was last honoured during the time of Joshua who led the people after the taking to glory of Moses.


They celebrated, and during each of the 7 days of the festival EZRA taught the whole assembly from the book of the law of God.

“ …… and on the eighth day, in accordance with the regulation, there was an assembly.” v.18.


CHAPTER 9:1-38


In sackcloth, fasting with dust on their heads the people repented confessing their sins. Separating themselves as a people. Their schedule was a fourth of the day - Reading from the book of God. And another fourth confessing and in worship. v.3.


On their feet the Levites led them in praise worship.

“‘Stand up and praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.’ “ Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” (extracts from v.5-6).


As they progressed they recounted the faithfulness of God since the time of Abram, to the defeat of the oppressor Pharaoh in Egypt.  The signs and wonders — the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground, the pillar of cloud and fire (v.12). To God showing up at Mount Sinai, the manna provided, the water from the rock and his sworn oath to give the Promised Land fulfilled.

Yet, together with their ancestors they have been stiffed-necked.

Forgetting rather than remembering the miracles and God’s presence —

“…. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.  Even when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and said this is your god, …, or when they committed awful blasphemies.” (v.17-18).


v.22-38 — Here they continue to recount God’s faithfulness and steadfast love, how they subdued their enemies through the hand of God; their disobedience (v.26-27) which you forgave as they cried, time and time again—

“But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God.” v.31.


In prayer they made a petition and an oath justifying God they said our leaders had safety, wealth, and affluence in their land which you gave them, yet they rebelled—dishonouring your commands. Now we are slaves in our own land!.

And they set to make binding agreement to obey divine commands in presence of their leaders, Levites and Priests.


NEHEMIAH 10:1-39

And the leaders present include Nehemiah, the governor, priests and the Levites (see their full list  by name and how they organised themselves from v.1-29).

And the agreement was made.

Find details of the vows made in v.30-39; extracts;

·       Not to intermarry with unbelievers

·       Not to trade on Sabbath days (v.31a-d). To cancel debts in the 7th year as stipulated in the law of God (v.31e-f).

·       Give for the upkeep of the Church (v.32-33).

·       The Priests made their vows too. v.34.

·       v.35-39 — Vows to give to the House Of The LORD for upkeep — the first fruits, first borns, tithes, and contributions. ( Note that all ministers are well provided for in the oath - that is the essence of the giving - not for the ‘set man’ ).


Do you go for retreats❓ And what about the tradition of staying in tents❓ Nehemiah 8:16.ß



©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 261. 18th September Commentary

Posted on 15th September, 2024

Day 261. 18th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of  Nehemiah.




The priest, Levites, and the people worked, building back the walls, in divisions. From gate to gate they took turns.  (See v.1,3,6,13-14,17,20,22,31-32).  

Given their determination they made good progress - at this time halfway through.  




As the news of the progress made went round, Sanballat and Tobiah began to mock and cast slurs at them, spreading negative energy (v.2).  


Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the people of Ashdod teamed up to fight but the Israelites resisted them in prayers ( Read v.7-8 ).  


The negative energy spread across Judah and had significant psychological impact. So much so they began to see rubbles as hindrances to progress — losing the vision of the new wall (v.10).  



Nehemiah encouraged the men and they reinforced.  It was a weight too heavy — some of them had to position themselves as guards/armed soldiers while the others built the walls — they took turns.  This became the strategy as their enemies plotted an attack.  

Nehemiah organised and scheduled them.  


“Don’t be afraid of them’ v.14.  

“Our God will fight for us” v.19  


Some worked with tools/materials in one hand and spears and other weapons of war in the other ( v.16, 21-22 ).  The trumpet will be used to alert the people if necessary.  


NEHEMIAH 51-13  


The oppressed cried as they lacked good living.  Nehemiah responded to this — he summoned the who is who and changed policies so there was ZERO-0% on lending. And this was upheld by an oath (v.10-13).  

“I also shook out the folds of my robe and said ‘In this way may God shake out of their house and possessions anyone who does not keep this promise. So may such a person be shaken out and emptied!’” v.13.  

And the people said amen.  


NEHEMIAH 61-14  

Conspiracy and networking to kill Nehemiah emerged.  As Sanballat and Tobiah wrote letters of threat to kill with plans to indict him before the king.  

They invited him to meeting five times, which he kept turning down.  


" Four times they sent me the same message .… I gave them the same answer … Then the fifth time …. I sent him this reply: Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head.” v.4,8  


He prayed against them “LORD strengthen my hands” v.9.  


Shemaiah a close associate of Nehemiah was bribed to make him vulnerable to their attack and discredit him.  

Yet Nehemiah prayed ( Read NEHEMIAH’S prayer - v.14).  

  • The rebuilding of the wall and mounting of the gates was completed in 52 Days. And the enemies became emotionally paralysed. v.15-16.
  • The works of the flesh in favour of Tobiah— backbiting, people pleasing — eye service to Tobiah been in-law to Judah (v.17).



Nehemiah put leaders of integrity in charge of Jerusalem. He also appointed gatekeepers, musicians and Levites.  



Psalms 1832,34,& 39  

“It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect. He teacheth my hands to war,…. For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou has subdued under me those that rose up against me.”  

Whatever it is that is confronting you, with the Nehemiah approach you will win! Though the weight is/might be too heavy with focus, determination, and prayer; you will win.  

Do not fear!, you will triumph!  




This provides the genealogical records of families that returned to Babylon.  This was found as Nehemiah had been prompted by the LORD to register the people.

·       It was noted that they had no priests who was ministering with the Urim and Thummin. Some enquiries with the divine were therefore not possible (v.64)

·       As a result of the above; details of a priest who had intermarried could not to enquired, it was concluded they are unclean, and could no longer officiate as priest ( Read the decision v.64).

·       They were 42,360 in all, with 7 ,337 staff ( slaves ), 24 female and male musicians, thousands of donkeys and hundreds of livestock.

·       The generous giving of the people was also in the records ( v.70-72).



AT THE WATER GATE — The people gathered and expressed desire for the law of God -and the book of the law of Moses written as the LORD commanded him was brought. And Ezra the teacher of the law read it to them — there they had a retreat. (Read v.2-3, 3).

Great respect was shown to the LORD — the people stood up when they saw Ezra open the book - whereas many 21st Century Believers use the Bible for a pillow. (Read v.5-6).

The people became emotional as the word was read, and interpreted and the leaders encouraged them

·       The joy of the LORD is your strength (v.10)

·       Eat and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks.

·       Give some to those who don’t have

·       Be still; this day is holy, do not grieve (v.11).

Then the people jubilated (v.12).



There is no generation so vulnerable as ours!

Like Nehemiah I say “The joy of the LORD is your strength” Neh 8:10.






CHAPTER 8:13-18


Heads of families, priests and Levites congregated to be lectured by Ezra on the Laws Of The LORD given through Moses often referred to as the LAWS OF MOSES.  They found laws they have neglected;


·       TEMPORARY SHELTERS: They found the laws commanding them to stay in tents while celebrating the Festival Of The Seventh Month (v.14). (see February 23 for details of the appointed Festivals).

Therefore, they took action, sought olive branches and built temporary tents. This commandment was last honoured during the time of Joshua who led the people after the taking to glory of Moses.


They celebrated, and during each of the 7 days of the festival EZRA taught the whole assembly from the book of the law of God.

“ …… and on the eighth day, in accordance with the regulation, there was an assembly.” v.18.


CHAPTER 9:1-38


In sackcloth, fasting with dust on their heads the people repented confessing their sins. Separating themselves as a people. Their schedule was a fourth of the day - Reading from the book of God. And another fourth confessing and in worship. v.3.


On their feet the Levites led them in praise worship.

“‘Stand up and praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.’ “ Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” (extracts from v.5-6).


As they progressed they recounted the faithfulness of God since the time of Abram, to the defeat of the oppressor Pharaoh in Egypt.  The signs and wonders — the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground, the pillar of cloud and fire (v.12). To God showing up at Mount Sinai, the manna provided, the water from the rock and his sworn oath to give the Promised Land fulfilled.

Yet, together with their ancestors they have been stiffed-necked.

Forgetting rather than remembering the miracles and God’s presence —

“…. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.  Even when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and said this is your god, …, or when they committed awful blasphemies.” (v.17-18).


v.22-38 — Here they continue to recount God’s faithfulness and steadfast love, how they subdued their enemies through the hand of God; their disobedience (v.26-27) which you forgave as they cried, time and time again—

“But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God.” v.31.


In prayer they made a petition and an oath justifying God they said our leaders had safety, wealth, and affluence in their land which you gave them, yet they rebelled—dishonouring your commands. Now we are slaves in our own land!.

And they set to make binding agreement to obey divine commands in presence of their leaders, Levites and Priests.


NEHEMIAH 10:1-39

And the leaders present include Nehemiah, the governor, priests and the Levites (see their full list  by name and how they organised themselves from v.1-29).

And the agreement was made.

Find details of the vows made in v.30-39; extracts;

·       Not to intermarry with unbelievers

·       Not to trade on Sabbath days (v.31a-d). To cancel debts in the 7th year as stipulated in the law of God (v.31e-f).

·       Give for the upkeep of the Church (v.32-33).

·       The Priests made their vows too. v.34.

·       v.35-39 — Vows to give to the House Of The LORD for upkeep — the first fruits, first borns, tithes, and contributions. ( Note that all ministers are well provided for in the oath - that is the essence of the giving - not for the ‘set man’ ).


Do you go for retreats❓ And what about the tradition of staying in tents❓ Nehemiah 8:16.ß



©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 260. 17th September Commentary

Posted on 15th September, 2024

Day 260. 17th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of  Ezra And Nehemiah.




In this chapter, the leaders acknowledge their sins of intermarriage with unbelieving women of the neighbouring countries and cities — Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites — idol worshiping nations. Since Israel is an holy race Ezra takes the matter up in prayers mourning ( see v.3, 6– ).  



Smitten by guilt, the people wept knowing that their intermarriage with idol worshiping women and having children with them was wrong. But some leaders are yet committed to their ills. (see v.15).  

Ezra decides leaders should meet and deliberate, he schedules a meeting.  

The descendants of the priests and peoples of Israel that engaged in intermarriage are listed in v.18-44.  




Nehemiah is the cupbearer to the king — he intercedes in prayer for Israel’s sins as reports were brought to him by his guest ( who were his family members ) that “the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” v.3.   


NEHEMIAH 21-10  


Nehemiah serves the king wine with an unusual countenance. The King likes Nehemiah’s conduct, therefore noticed the change in his mood. He questions that, asking if Nehemiah was ill? Then Nehemiah told him the report from Jerusalem had saddened him with a burden.  

After a talk, the king and the Queen allowed him go for a while back to Jerusalem to fix the ruins stated. Nehemiah asked for letters to the governors of the Trans-Euphrates for the safety of his journey and Asaph keeper of Royal Park for timber supplies which will be needed for the projects. And it was granted (v.8).  


SAMBALLAT AND TOBIAH didn’t support Nehemiah (see v.3,19).  

Nehemiah left the citadel of Susa where he serves the king for the project he had set his heart to do for the hand of the LORD was upon him.  When he arrived, he privately went to inspect the walls and the gates which were in ruins.  And afterward contacted all those needed to accomplish his goal.  



Read: 2 CORINTHIANS 614  

“Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers …”  

The world   is our accommodation. With so much happening in it. Let us be guided by the scriptures in Christ’s name.  


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 259, 16th September Commentary

Posted on 15th September, 2024

Day 259. 16th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of  Ezra Chapter 4-8.



A NEW KING (ARTAXERXES) AND HIS OFFICIALS STOPS THE REBUILDING OF JERUSALEM. The officials instigated him stating their success will be a reproach to the king — they will stop paying taxes, and tribute. And, that will affect the revenues of the king Artaxerxes.  Therefore he ordered the work of building Jerusalem to stop.  


EZRA 71-28  

Professor Ezra relocated from Babylon back to Jerusalem.  He is a lecturer of the law of Moses.  Following his decision to move the king Artaxerxes wrote him a letter of authority, commendation and goodwill.  


THE ADDRESS OF EZRA “To Ezra the priest, teacher of the law of the God of heaven; Greetings” (v.11). Is a good acknowledgment of difference. Difference does not defile. If we spot the difference then let’s acknowledge it.  

I recall winning a spot the difference competition in a National Newspaper Challenge as a child. I was about ten years old, this experience made me keen, I love difference!  


The King Authorised Some Freewill Offerings for the building of the LORD’s temple of their God in Jerusalem (v.15-18).  

He also stopped the imposed taxes and tribute. He encouraged all who wanted to return with Ezra to do so.  

He expressed great reverential fear for the LORD.  

He gave them administrative advice and governance guidelines.  

Ezra rejoiced - he gave praise to the LORD for such favour (v.27-28).  



Find all families that left Babylon with Ezra listed; v.2-14.  


EZRA WAS OBSERVANT TO NOTE THAT NO LEVITE WAS AMONG THEM; therefore he put a request forward and some Levites and Temple Attendants were sent and they continued the journey together (v.18-20).  


A PRAYER FOR SAFE JOURNEY:- They had fears, the risk include attacks from bandits.  

Yet, they had made a boost that the LORD will protect them. Thus Ezra could not go to the king requesting for soldiers (see v.21-22). They fasted and prayed!  



Ezra took his learning seriously - by ensuring what is stated in the Laws of the LORD is been done - he ensured what belongs to the LORD of the freewill offerings was given to the priests while in transit. Providing leadership he advised them to ensure the offerings were safe and handed into the treasury of the LORD God in Jerusalem and this was done (Read v.28,31-34).  

Are you consciously practicing what you know of God? To create meaning, and to give essence of the Christian act and nature.  



And offered sacrifices (Burnt Offerings and Sin Offerings) on the fourth day, after resting for 3 days. v.32-35.  


According to the orders of king Artaxerxes; the royal satraps and governors of the Trans-Euphrates supported all the people and the project of the house of the LORD in Jerusalem.  



“To Ezra the priest, teacher of the law of the God of heaven; Greetings” (711).  

Ezra distinguish himself and this was known and his difference brought himself and his God honour.  

  • Don’t try to hide. Matthew 515
  • Don’t serve God with ulterior motives, the commendations will come and it will be unique. Matthew 516






In this chapter, the leaders acknowledge their sins of intermarriage with unbelieving women of the neighbouring countries and cities — Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites — idol worshiping nations. Since Israel is an holy race Ezra takes the matter up in prayers mourning ( see v.3, 6– ).  


EZRA CHAPTER 10:1-17  

Smitten by guilt, the people wept knowing that their intermarriage with idol worshiping women and having children with them was wrong. But some leaders are yet committed to their ills. (see v.15).  

Ezra decides leaders should meet and deliberate, he schedules a meeting.  

The descendants of the priests and peoples of Israel that engaged in intermarriage are listed in v.1844.  




Nehemiah is the cupbearer to the king — he intercedes in prayer for Israel’s sins as reports were brought to him by his guest ( who were his family members ) that “the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” v.3.   


NEHEMIAH 2:1-10  


Nehemiah serves the king wine with an unusual countenance. The King likes Nehemiah’s conduct, therefore noticed the change in his mood. He questions that, asking if Nehemiah was ill? Then Nehemiah told him the report from Jerusalem had saddened him with a burden.  

After a talk, the king and the Queen allowed him go for a while back to Jerusalem to fix the ruins stated. Nehemiah asked for letters to the governors of the Trans-Euphrates for the safety of his journey and Asaph keeper of Royal Park for timber supplies which will be needed for the projects. And it was granted (v.8).  


SAMBALLAT AND TOBIAH didn’t support Nehemiah (see v.3,19).  

Nehemiah left the citadel of Susa where he serves the king for the project he had set his heart to do for the hand of the LORD was upon him.  When he arrived, he privately went to inspect the walls and the gates which were in ruins.  And afterward contacted all those needed to accomplish his goal.  



Read: 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14  

“Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers …”  

The world   is our accommodation. With so much happening in it. Let us be guided by the scriptures in Christ’s name.  


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 258. 15th September Commentary

Posted on 15th September, 2024

Day 258. 15th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of  Esther.





Esther unsure of what will be her fate, presented herself in her royal robes — it was answered prayers as the king put forward the golden scepter in her favour.  

He asked what she wanted and would be given up to half the kingdom (Read v.2-3).  



Esther invites the king and Haman to a feast there she would present her petition.  

Haman was invited, he was delighted and proudly spread the news round.  He will be the only guest at the table dining with the King and Queen Esther. During the two days of Queen Esther’s feast, Haman encountered Mordecai at the gate again.  He became furious he didn’t bow — his wife and friends advised he should hanged Mordecai on a 23 meters high pole (v.14).  




The King on that night was restless “That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the Chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought in and read to him.“ v.1.  

He found Mordecai had saved his life, he made enquiries and also found that Mordecai had not been rewarded.  

Just as this was found concerning Mordecai, Haman arrived set for the banquet.  The king sought his advise on the matter “when Haman entered the king asked him, what should be done for the man the king delights to honour?”  


Haman was under the impression he was the man in the question.  He recommended everything but the throne! (See details in v.7-9).  

He was instructed to get the kings horses and everything else he recommended for Mordecai.  



At the banquet she said “her petition was for her life and her peoples.”  

She in wise words told of Haman’s plan to destroy, kill and annihilate the Jewish people.  

The king left the table in a rage, Haman went to Esther who was relaxing on the couch, waiting for the king.  

The sight was too complex for the king to understand - Haman’s position was too compromising - was he trying to rape the Queen? That was the only conclusion (Read v.8).  

It was then revealed that Haman had prepared a 23 meters high pole for Mordecai to be hung.  

“ Impale him on it! The king said and it was done.”  See v.9-10.  



ESTHER’s Request To Write A Letter To Overturn Haman’s was granted, as she wept at the king's feet. He again put forward the golden scepter and she stood up before him.  

He overruled the evil dispatch of Haman against the Jewish people, give her Haman’s estate and

Mordecai was empowered to write in the name of the King with the king’s seal - the signet ring.  


FROM INDIA TO CUSH - All 127 Provinces.  

He wrote the new order for the Jews and it was sent to all 127 provinces (Read v.11).  

Furthermore, they could avenge their enemies.  



By the end of the day Mordecai was in royal robes with a crown of gold on his head.  

This was celebration time for the Jews.  



The Jews avenged their enemies who had planned and gotten ready under Haman’s management to destroy them.  

They assembled afterwards sharing gifts, jubilating, and feasting ( Read v.5, 12-13, 17-19 ).  


THE DECREE OF THE QUEEN ESTHER AND MORDECAI HER UNCLE — was sealed for annual celebration of the events of their victory. When the LORD turned their sorrow to joy.  

This was called PURIM — PUR means the LOT ( Read v.20, 24, 26, 29-30 ).  



The LORD sustained the king and promoted Mordecai and he became popular.  



“Esther again pleaded with the king, falling at his feet and weeping….” v.3.  

Honour is biblical, Esther had it smooth in life because she understood honour. She honoured her Uncle, Hegai the kings official, the palace rules, and the king.   

She understood his emotions and didn’t toy with them.  

Let’s live life with the blessings and the easy wisdom and honour brings.  

Psalm 131, Psalm 211






A NEW KING (ARTAXERXES) AND HIS OFFICIALS STOPS THE REBUILDING OF JERUSALEM. The officials instigated him stating their success will be a reproach to the king — they will stop paying taxes, and tribute. And, that will affect the revenues of the king Artaxerxes.  Therefore he ordered the work of building Jerusalem to stop.  


EZRA 71-28  

Professor Ezra relocated from Babylon back to Jerusalem.  He is a lecturer of the law of Moses.  Following his decision to move the king Artaxerxes wrote him a letter of authority, commendation and goodwill.  


THE ADDRESS OF EZRA “To Ezra the priest, teacher of the law of the God of heaven; Greetings” (v.11). Is a good acknowledgment of difference. Difference does not defile. If we spot the difference then let’s acknowledge it.  

I recall winning a spot the difference competition in a National Newspaper Challenge as a child. I was about ten years old, this experience made me keen, I love difference!  


The King Authorised Some Freewill Offerings for the building of the LORD’s temple of their God in Jerusalem (v.15-18).  

He also stopped the imposed taxes and tribute. He encouraged all who wanted to return with Ezra to do so.  

He expressed great reverential fear for the LORD.  

He gave them administrative advice and governance guidelines.  

Ezra rejoiced - he gave praise to the LORD for such favour (v.27-28).  



Find all families that left Babylon with Ezra listed; v.2-14.  


EZRA WAS OBSERVANT TO NOTE THAT NO LEVITE WAS AMONG THEM; therefore he put a request forward and some Levites and Temple Attendants were sent and they continued the journey together (v.18-20).  


A PRAYER FOR SAFE JOURNEY:- They had fears, the risk include attacks from bandits.  

Yet, they had made a boost that the LORD will protect them. Thus Ezra could not go to the king requesting for soldiers (see v.21-22). They fasted and prayed!  



Ezra took his learning seriously - by ensuring what is stated in the Laws of the LORD is been done - he ensured what belongs to the LORD of the freewill offerings was given to the priests while in transit. Providing leadership he advised them to ensure the offerings were safe and handed into the treasury of the LORD God in Jerusalem and this was done (Read v.28,31-34).  

Are you consciously practicing what you know of God? To create meaning, and to give essence of the Christian act and nature.  



And offered sacrifices (Burnt Offerings and Sin Offerings) on the fourth day, after resting for 3 days. v.32-35.  


According to the orders of king Artaxerxes; the royal satraps and governors of the Trans-Euphrates supported all the people and the project of the house of the LORD in Jerusalem.  



“To Ezra the priest, teacher of the law of the God of heaven; Greetings” (711).  

Ezra distinguish himself and this was known and his difference brought himself and his God honour.  

  • Don’t try to hide. Matthew 515
  • Don’t serve God with ulterior motives, the commendations will come and it will be unique. Matthew 516






In this chapter, the leaders acknowledge their sins of intermarriage with unbelieving women of the neighbouring countries and cities — Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites — idol worshiping nations. Since Israel is an holy race Ezra takes the matter up in prayers mourning ( see v.3, 6– ).  


EZRA CHAPTER 10:1-17  

Smitten by guilt, the people wept knowing that their intermarriage with idol worshiping women and having children with them was wrong. But some leaders are yet committed to their ills. (see v.15).  

Ezra decides leaders should meet and deliberate, he schedules a meeting.  

The descendants of the priests and peoples of Israel that engaged in intermarriage are listed in v.1844.  




Nehemiah is the cupbearer to the king — he intercedes in prayer for Israel’s sins as reports were brought to him by his guest ( who were his family members ) that “the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” v.3.   


NEHEMIAH 2:1-10  


Nehemiah serves the king wine with an unusual countenance. The King likes Nehemiah’s conduct, therefore noticed the change in his mood. He questions that, asking if Nehemiah was ill? Then Nehemiah told him the report from Jerusalem had saddened him with a burden.  

After a talk, the king and the Queen allowed him go for a while back to Jerusalem to fix the ruins stated. Nehemiah asked for letters to the governors of the Trans-Euphrates for the safety of his journey and Asaph keeper of Royal Park for timber supplies which will be needed for the projects. And it was granted (v.8).  


SAMBALLAT AND TOBIAH didn’t support Nehemiah (see v.3,19).  

Nehemiah left the citadel of Susa where he serves the king for the project he had set his heart to do for the hand of the LORD was upon him.  When he arrived, he privately went to inspect the walls and the gates which were in ruins.  And afterward contacted all those needed to accomplish his goal.  



Read: 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14  

“Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers …”  

The world   is our accommodation. With so much happening in it. Let us be guided by the scriptures in Christ’s name.  


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 257. 14th September Commentary

Posted on 14th September, 2024

Day 257. 14th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of Ezra And Esther.


It is interesting to start the study and commentary of the book of Esther been a world class story. I wish you could write a booklet on this story — I hope to do that in the near future. Its about honour, risk-taking, submission, faith, predestination and providence.


EZRA 614b-22


“The priests, the Levites, and the rest of the exiles celebrated the dedication with joy” v.16.

Details of the offerings including (the sin offering - 12 male goats for the 12 tribes of Israel are in v.17.

The priests and the Levites were installed into their divisions and groups accordingly ( see v.18 ) following the book of Moses.



The priest and the Levites purified themselves and were ceremonially clean before officiating.  The people also stopped the unclean practices they copied from their neighbours (v.22).

And were filled with joy — the king of Assyria turned a new leaf — he supported the work of the temple.

Therefore, at the dedication, passover and festival all hearts and acts honoured the LORD.


EZRA 46 — Accusation against Judah and Jerusalem brought before the KING {XERXES KJV / AHASUERUS NIV}.


ESTHER 11-22

THE 180 DAYS KING XERXES’s SHOW OF WEALTH AND 7 DAYS OF FEAST FOR ALL.  They had wine in goblets of gold abundantly and free for all.



KING XERXES REQUESTED THIS OF HIS QUEEN — VASHTI but she shunned his request .  This upset the king and he summoned his advisers asking them for advice.  It was concluded that Vashti should be uncrowned or such disregard will spread among women — women copied her defiance — dishonour the husbands and become unruly.

It was also stated that, a more beautiful woman should be sourced for the king.


ESTHER 21-23

Therefore, a parade of young virgins was agreed and made provision for.

HADASSAH ( ESTHER ) was enrolled by her uncle, who was close to the official in-charge ( HEGAI ) he liked of her and ensured she had her beauty treatment ( which should continue for 12 months which is the period for preparations ). She was also given special meals.

  • Note that Esther and Mordecai where exiles from Jerusalem but that she didn’t disclose ( that was the advise of Modercai which she honoured ).  She had seven (7) female attendance who knew the king’s preferences. Esther was kept in the best place (v.9).

At the Pageant; Esther won the kings heart and everyone likes her.  He set a royal crown on her head and she became queen instead of Vashti.


MORDECAI UNCOVERS A PLOT TO ASSASSINATE THE KING to Esther and this was recorded as Mordecai’s act of goodwill.


ESTHER 31-15

HAMAM’s hate for Mordecai lost its limits because he would not bow before him — therefore he would execute the Jews. The king approves his plan. (Read v.5-6, 10-11).


MORDECAI IN SACKCLOTH; he presents at the king’s gate, all Jews began wailing as the decree was pronounced and the date determined.

Esther was notified and he sent her a copy ( see v.8).


ESTHER WOULD HAVE TO APPEAR BEFORE THE KING but he had not asked to see her for up to 30 days.  Legally no one appears before the king without his express request.

She requested a fast and for all the Jews  in the land to pray for her. to plead for her so the king extend his gold sceptre in honour of her presence. And spoke in determination  “ If I perish I perish” v.16.


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 256. 13th September Commentary

Posted on 14th September, 2024

Day 256. 13th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of Zechariah Chapter 9-14.


Today’s chapters are the words of the LORD God commanded through the prophet Zechariah, some of which foreshadows Christ.



The Word of the LORD spoken by the prophet Zechariah.

The LORD will favour and protect Jerusalem - bringing judgement against the nations that have oppressed her.  Some of those oppressors where mentioned:  Hadrak, Damascus, Hamath, Tyre, Sidon, Ashkelon, Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron and the Philistines.

“But I will encamp at my temple

to guard it against marauding forces.

Never again will an oppressor overrun my people,

for now I am keeping watch.” v.8



“….. See, your king comes to you,

righteous and victorious,

lowly and riding on a donkey,

on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

The battle now will be broken.

He will proclaim peace.” v.9&10.

…. Inference on Christ.


The prisoners will be set free because of the covenant blood (v.11)

Inference on Christ by extension and deed - a divine law honoured.

God will restore twice as much (v.12)



“The LORD God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock.

They will sparkle in his land

like jewels in a crown.

How attractive and beautiful they will be!

Grain will make the young men thrive,

and new wine the young women.” v.16-17.



ASK THE LORD FOR ANYTHING! He is the ever constant doer — See he gives “rain in the springtime;…… showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” v.1


·       Therefore do not believe idols  and diviners.

·       Lack of direction or false vision both lead to emotional burn-out increasing your vulnerability giving room to oppression {good spiritual care -SHEPHERDING- is scarce, therefore many more nations are fast replacing the role with social care psychiatric and psychological therapy}. Church you miss it, the world steps in❗️

·       Leaders and Pastors; beware, the LORD God Almighty care for his people much more than you could believe ( see v.3).

“ From Judah will come the cornerstone,

from him the tent peg,

from him the battle ball,

from him every ruler.” v.4

This verse infer Christ the cornerstone being the perfection/fulfilment of this prophecy.


THE POWER OF UNITY will come through for God’s people (v.5).


In his compassion God will strengthen, save, restore and redeem his people.  (v.6-8). God will gather back his scattered people from all the places — Egypt, Assyria, Lebanon, the

raging sea will be subdued.



Verse 1-3 is a declaration against God’s people (v.1-3).


SHEPHERDING CORRECTLY even as a minister?

God could not find a good shepherd - He is the Good shepherd.  His rescue mission was in fact at some point frustrated especially by the flock but God is concerned for the oppressed flock. It was so unpleasant therefore his staff favour and unity, withdrawn.

“Woe to the worthless Shepherd,

who deserts the flock!

May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered,

his right eye totally blinded.” v.17




“The LORD, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares. I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding people reeling…. I will keep a watchful eye over Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the nations….. The people of Jerusalem are strong because the LORD Almighty is their God….. And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.” (Extracts from v.1,2,4,5&10).


We can rejoice because the affliction shall not last.



The LORD will rid the land of idolatry, all the people will be cleansed, even their minds.


Prophets will hide in shame

‘I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land’. v.2.


No longer will God’s people be deceived.  There will only be a third left when God has scattered and struck both the shepherd and the sheep.

“This third I will put into the fire;

I will refine them like silver

and test them like gold.

They will call on my name

and I will answer them;

I will say, they are my people

and they will say, The LORD is our God.” v.9.



The LORD will strike ALL nations, they will attack Jerusalem. The city captured, houses ransacked and women raped.  For ‘the LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.” v.9. After a unique day when “there is no distinction between day and night” (see v.7).

Then all nations of the earth will be stricken with panic for the desolation brought by the LORD.

“ Judah too will fight Jerusalem. The wealth of all the surrounding nations will be collected — great quantities of gold and silver and clothing.” v.13-14.


Then all nations will acknowledge God and come to worship the LORD Almighty , they will go up to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles year after year or incur God’s wrath —

·       They will have no rain.

·       And be stricken with deadly plagues.

·       No merchant will be in the house (see footnotes one year NIV Chronological Bible p.g.1202).

“On that day HOLY TO THE LORD will to be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the LORD’s house will be like the sacred bowls in front of the altar” v.20.




Ask and it will be given you … (Matthew 77)

Ask the LORD for rain in spring ( Zechariah 101) — I want you to reflect on the fact that we get lots of things without asking the LORD.  Then, let’s also reflect on the fact that we have the opportunity and or responsibility to ask for somethings for which we may be entitled. For example:

·       Rain in spring.

·       A young bride getting pregnant.



©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 255. 12th September Commentary

Posted on 7th September, 2024

Day 255. 12th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of Zechariah, And Ezra.



The spiritual adventure of the prophet Zechariah continues with the angel of the LORD. When Zechariah looked up he saw four powerful chariots of Red horses, Black horses, White horses and the fourth dappled.  And then he asked; what are these my LORD?  The angel answered—They are the four Spirits of Heaven.



He will build the temple of the LORD, many will come to help him even from distant places. (Read v.13).  The LORD formed a cordial team around Joshua the high priest (see v.14).

Though the LORD has guaranteed Joshua his unwavering support Joshua must meet up this T&C:

“… This (promise) will happen if you diligently obey the LORD GOD” v.15.


EZRA 5:3-17

OPPOSITION AROSE as the work of the temple progressed, the governor of the Trans-Euphrates TATTENAI and some of his officials confronted them, and went further with their wicked plans to obstruct the construction of the temple as they wrote a report to the king Darius. Yet the eyes of God monitored the progress of the work.

“But the eye of their God was watching over the elders of the Jews, and they were not stopped until a report could go to Darius and his written reply be received.” v.5.


They prompted the king to search the archives if indeed king Cyrus had decreed the rebuilding.


EZRA 6:1-14a

In response to their letter the king affirmed the approval and issued the decree that governor Tattenai and his associates should keep off the temple and made the Trans-Euphrate’s royal treasury liable for all the expenses incurred and or required for burnt offerings in Jerusalem or face grave consequences ( see v.11-12 ).

·       He covets the blessings of the God of heaven (v.11).

“So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zachariah, a descendant of Iddo.” v.14a.



God wants his love reciprocated.  And the love of his people for him authentic.

They have not been sincere and he confronts that ( Read 4-6,11-13 ). Their fast and feast is hypocritical, at least not with divine purposes.

What God expects of us as believers;


·       To administer true justice

·       Show mercy and compassion to one another

·       Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor.

·       Do not plot evil against each other.

·       Do not manipulate and or destroy other people’s identity




·       He is jealous for Zion v.2

·       He will be a faithful and righteous God (v.8)

·       People will be safe going about their business “The seed will grow well, vine will yield its fruits, the ground will produce its crops, and the heavens will drop their dew. I will give all these things as an inheritance to the remnant of this people.” v.12.

·       Judah and Israel were a curse; they will be a blessing. “Just as you Judah and Israel, have been a curse among the nations, so will I save you and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid but let your hands be strong.” v.13

God is determined to do good again but he has expectations too. They are stated in v.16-17;

·       Speak the truth to each another

·       Render true and sound judgement in your courts

·       Do not plot evil against each other

·       Do not love to swear falsely;

For I hate all these things declares the LORD Almighty.



The fasting and feasting of the people will be pleasing to him again! And, they will do this spiritual exercises in joyfulness and in jubilation.

They will be so favoured many will love to be associated with them.

“This is what the LORD Almighty says: In those days 10 people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you’” v.23.

NIGHT: Be rich, and be rich in good works. Read 2Timothy 6:17-18.

Do good even if you are nicknamed a do-gooder, not for the promotion and or the recognition that comes with it but because it enables fellow inhabitants of the earth to smile and shine too. And surely as the sun comes everyday your promotion will come authorised by the LORD God (Read Psalms 75:6-7).


Day 254. 13th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of Zechariah Chapter 9-14.



Today’s chapters are the words of the LORD God commanded through the prophet Zechariah, some of which foreshadows Christ.



The Word of the LORD spoken by the prophet Zechariah.

The LORD will favour and protect Jerusalem - bringing judgement against the nations that have oppressed her.  Some of those oppressors where mentioned:  Hadrak, Damascus, Hamath, Tyre, Sidon, Ashkelon, Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron and the Philistines.

“But I will encamp at my temple

to guard it against marauding forces.

Never again will an oppressor overrun my people,

for now I am keeping watch.” v.8



“….. See, your king comes to you,

righteous and victorious,

lowly and riding on a donkey,

on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

The battle now will be broken.

He will proclaim peace.” v.9&10.

…. Inference on Christ.


The prisoners will be set free because of the covenant blood (v.11)

Inference on Christ by extension and deed - a divine law honoured.

God will restore twice as much (v.12)



“The LORD God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock.

They will sparkle in his land

like jewels in a crown.

How attractive and beautiful they will be!

Grain will make the young men thrive,

and new wine the young women.” v.16-17.



ASK THE LORD FOR ANYTHING! He is the ever constant doer — See he gives “rain in the springtime;…… showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” v.1


·       Therefore do not believe idols  and diviners.

·       Lack of direction or false vision both lead to emotional burn-out increasing your vulnerability giving room to oppression {good spiritual care -SHEPHERDING- is scarce, therefore many more nations are fast replacing the role with social care psychiatric and psychological therapy}. Church you miss it, the world steps in❗️

·       Leaders and Pastors; beware, the LORD God Almighty care for his people much more than you could believe ( see v.3).

“ From Judah will come the cornerstone,

from him the tent peg,

from him the battle ball,

from him every ruler.” v.4

This verse infer Christ the cornerstone being the perfection/fulfilment of this prophecy.


THE POWER OF UNITY will come through for God’s people (v.5).


In his compassion God will strengthen, save, restore and redeem his people.  (v.6-8). God will gather back his scattered people from all the places — Egypt, Assyria, Lebanon, the

raging sea will be subdued.



Verse 1-3 is a declaration against God’s people (v.1-3).


SHEPHERDING CORRECTLY even as a minister?

God could not find a good shepherd - He is the Good shepherd.  His rescue mission was in fact at some point frustrated especially by the flock but God is concerned for the oppressed flock. It was so unpleasant therefore his staff favour and unity, withdrawn.

“Woe to the worthless Shepherd,

who deserts the flock!

May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered,

his right eye totally blinded.” v.17




“The LORD, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares. I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding people reeling…. I will keep a watchful eye over Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the nations….. The people of Jerusalem are strong because the LORD Almighty is their God….. And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.” (Extracts from v.1,2,4,5&10).


We can rejoice because the affliction shall not last.



The LORD will rid the land of idolatry, all the people will be cleansed, even their minds.


Prophets will hide in shame

‘I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land’. v.2.


No longer will God’s people be deceived.  There will only be a third left when God has scattered and struck both the shepherd and the sheep.

“This third I will put into the fire;

I will refine them like silver

and test them like gold.

They will call on my name

and I will answer them;

I will say, they are my people

and they will say, The LORD is our God.” v.9.



The LORD will strike ALL nations, they will attack Jerusalem. The city captured, houses ransacked and women raped.  For ‘the LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.” v.9. After a unique day when “there is no distinction between day and night” (see v.7).

Then all nations of the earth will be stricken with panic for the desolation brought by the LORD.

“ Judah too will fight Jerusalem. The wealth of all the surrounding nations will be collected — great quantities of gold and silver and clothing.” v.13-14.


Then all nations will acknowledge God and come to worship the LORD Almighty , they will go up to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles year after year or incur God’s wrath —

·       They will have no rain.

·       And be stricken with deadly plagues.

·       No merchant will be in the house (see footnotes one year NIV Chronological Bible p.g.1202).

“On that day HOLY TO THE LORD will to be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the LORD’s house will be like the sacred bowls in front of the altar” v.20.




Ask and it will be given you … (Matthew 7:7)

Ask the LORD for rain in spring ( Zechariah 10:1) — I want you to reflect on the fact that we get lots of things without asking the LORD.  Then, let’s also reflect on the fact that we have the opportunity and or responsibility to ask for somethings for which we may be entitled. For example:

·       Rain in spring.

·       A young bride getting pregnant.



©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.




Day 254. 11th September Commentary

Posted on 7th September, 2024

Day 254. 11th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of Haggai, Zechariah, And Ezra.


HAGGAI 1:1-9

The LORD through his prophet Haggai spoke strength to the leaders Zerubbabel, the governor and Joshua the priest and all the remnant of Israel so they are able to build the new temple.  The LORD will uphold the ancient covenant as it was established when they came out of Egypt , therefore they should be strong & work.

(See v.4-9 and extracts below);

·       The spirit of the LORD is with you, therefore have no fear. “My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear” v.5 . It must be embarrassing to God how many believers are more aware of demonic forces and tremble rather than rejoice for his Spirit amongst us!

·       The LORD will shake the heaven and the earth and all nations and fill the house with glory.

·       He declared “ the silver is mine and the gold is mine. The glory of this present house will be greater than the former house,… in this place I will grant peace…”



The LORD calls for repentance:

“return to me” and “I will return to you turn to you.. turn from your wicked ways” v.3 & 4


HAGGAI 2:10-19

God will bless his people for obedience: FOR LAYING THE FOUNDATION OF THE TEMPLE.


EZRA 5:2

The leaders Zerubbabel and Joshua are set to build the temple, the prophets are in one accord with them.


HAGGAI 2:20-23


God will overthrow thrones and kingdoms but will make Zerubbabel his chosen like his signet ring.

God’s love, grace, mercy, compassion distinguishes a person beyond what they could personally achieve or ever have the power to do for themselves.



In a vision the prophet Zachariah related with angels.

He saw a man on a red horse in the mist of a ravine and red, brown and white horses behind him (see v.8)

And asked what they were - They have been set by the LORD the Angel explained, and have found the world ‘at rest and in peace’ v.11.

The angel then asked for mercy for Jerusalem because the LORD has withheld his mercy from her for 70 years.

The LORD answered favourably — The LORD will be kind and give comfort to his people. The LORD is very jealous for Jerusalem and Judah. Though he was a little angry the enemy has punished them beyond measure. And this was proclaimed (Read the proclamation and message v.14-17).

“My town will again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort zone and choose Jerusalem” v.17.



The four horns that scattered Jerusalem, Israel, and Judah revealed by the angel and the four craftsmen to undo their evil are now present (read v.21.)



The LORD will bless Jerusalem again and fill it with his glory. It will grow and be protected

“ The Lord will build a wall of fire around it” v.5.

The fire referred is in visible - but controls the affairs of mankind. That's why as believers it is correct to pray the fire of God.



YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYES (v.8) — The LORD expressed his love for his people in this words. As he calls the remaining exiles to return.

“Come, Zion! Escape, you who live in Daughter Babylon! ….. Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming and I will live among you”  (extracts from v.7&10).




The LORD rebukes Satan for Joshua’s sake.

As the prophet Zechariah’s vision continues the high priest Joshua was dressed in a filthy garment in the vision and, those there were instructed to take off the filthy garments off him; and the angel informed him his sins were forgiven and taken away. Then he was clothed with fine garments and a clean turban was placed on his head (v.5).

Joshua was charged to obey the LORD. Himself and his associates are a sign of things to come.

“ … I am going to bring my servant, the Branch. See, The stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that one stone and I will engrave an inscription on it says the Lord almighty and I will remove the scene of this land in a single day” v.8-9




The prophet saw a lampstand and two olive trees (v.2-3,11). They are symbolic (see v.6-10,14). The seven are the eyes of the LORD (v.10). The two olive branches are the anointed two that serve the LORD (v.14)

The angel spoke: “ Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the LORD Almighty. What are you mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!” v.6-7.

The hands Zachariah started the building of the house of the Lord therefore his hands will complete it. There will be no hindrances (v.6-8).




A symbolic flying scroll revealed — it’s carries a curse to punish thieves and those who swear falsely by the name of the LORD Almighty.


The angel again drew the attention of the prophet Zachariah to two baskets (v.6) and, alas! he reviewed the content been a woman in it (v.7)— it is wickedness which is going to Babylon (v.8).


Note that the angel in the visions kept asking the prophet what do you see — it is an act of sense-giving (Zechariah 4:2,5:2,5:5).



He was transferring understanding, creating rapport and participation (Zechariah 3:4,3:9,4:1, 5:2,5:5)

It may be that you do not see visions but wish for the prophetic ministry so that like the prophets Zechariah, Haggai, Ezekiel, Elijah, Jeremiah you see and interpret visions you can pray and ask God for the gift and you must be willing to study the word of the Almighty God, and talk-less. Read Jeremiah 33:3.

I at this time have come to a place where the LORD God is gracious to show me things and I am asking for understanding, and the gift of interpretation. We can grow. Like me, I will ask that you should not be in  a hurry.


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo


Get the book: Toyin Ojo Bible Commentary on Amazon.


